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Est. 1 FEBRUARY 2020

Media Statement - 1 February 2021

Quandamooka Truth Embassy sets up on headland in final attempt to stop whale centre construction 


As the sun rises over North Stradbroke Island this morning, the Quandamooka Truth Embassy has been established on the sacred headland at Point Lookout. 


Formed by Quandamooka people, the Quandamooka Truth Embassy was established to tell the truths of what is occurring on our country. For three years we’ve protested and petitioned in masses to protect our sacred headland, to oppose the whale interpretive centre due to be built on this site commencing tomorrow - however we’ve been constantly ignored and disregarded  by the State Government and Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation, native title prescribed body. 


This has become our only option and our last resort to assert our sovereign rights, speak our truth and have our voices heard. After three years of disrespect and disregard we refuse to stand by and allow our sacred country to be destroyed and desecrated for unnecessary commercial benefit and gain.


We need as much support as we can get and ask anyone who opposes this construction to join us. We welcome all Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people to join our space on the headland, to yarn with Elders and share your thoughts. We will have a smoking ceremony tonight at 6pm. All are welcome. If you intend to stay, please bring your own camping gear and respect our Elders. We ask that you protect our country and take all rubbish away with you. This is a drug and alcohol free space. 


We ask that you observe social distancing whilst on site and if you have any cold or flu symptoms please stay home. We need to protect our elders and our community.






0428 121 924


More information about our protests to date:


#FreeYalingbila #SaveTheHeadland


Quandamooka Truth Embasssy

North Stradbroke Island

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